DC Elected Officials

Executive Office

Muriel Bowser, Mayor

[email protected]@MayorBowser

Paul Kihn, Deputy Mayor for Education

[email protected]; @DMEforDC 

Shana Young, Superintendent, Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)

[email protected]@OSSEDC

Dr. Lewis Ferebee, Chancellor, DC Public Schools (DCPS)

[email protected]@DCPSChancellor

Dr. Michelle Walker-Davis, Executive Director, DC Public Charter School Board (PCSB) 

[email protected]; @dcpcsb


DC Council​

Phil Mendelson, Chairman, Council of the District of Columbia 

[email protected]; @ChmnMendelson 

cc: [email protected] and [email protected] 



Anita Bonds, At-Large 

[email protected]; @AnitaBondsDC

cc: Irene Kang, [email protected]

Elissa Silverman, At-Large

[email protected], @CM_Silverman

cc: Maya Brennan, [email protected]  

Robert White, At-Large 

[email protected], @CMRobertWhiteDC

cc: Angela Fowlkes [email protected] and Katie Whitehouse [email protected] 

Christina Henderson, At-Large 

[email protected]; @CMCHenderson

CC: Thomas Maloney- [email protected]




What's my Ward?  Click here to find out.

Brianne Nadeau, Ward 1

[email protected]; @BrianneKNadeau

cc: Raleigh Lancaster, [email protected]  

Brooke Pinto, Ward 2

[email protected]@CMBrookePinto

cc: [email protected]

Mary Cheh, Ward 3

[email protected]@marycheh

cc: Michael Porcello, [email protected]

Janeese Lewis-George, Ward 4

[email protected]; @CMLewisGeorgeW4

cc: [email protected] 

Kenyan McDuffie, Ward 5

[email protected]@kenyanmcduffie

cc: Silas Grant: [email protected]

Charles Allen, Ward 6

[email protected]@charlesallen

cc: Laura Marks, [email protected]  

Vincent Gray, Ward 7

[email protected]@VinceGrayWard7

cc: Terrance Norflis- [email protected] 

Trayon White, Ward 8

[email protected]@trayonwhite

cc: SaFiya Hoskins-[email protected]Wanda Lockridge- [email protected]


Mailing Address:

John A. Wilson Building

1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW

Washington, DC 20004


DC State Board of Education, @DCSBOE





Zachary Parker, President & Ward 5 Representative

[email protected]@ZACHARYSBOE5

Emily Gasoi, Vice President & Ward 1 Representative

[email protected]@emilygasoi

Jacque PattersonAt-Large Representative

[email protected]@DC_Edvocate

Allister Chang, Ward 2 Representative

[email protected]; @AllisterSBOE

Ruth WattenbergWard 3 Representative

[email protected]@Ruth4Schools

Frazier O’Leary, Ward 4 Representative

[email protected]@ForOleary

Jessica Sutter, Ward 6 Representative 

[email protected]; @jessicasutterW6

Eboni-Rose Thompson, Ward 7 Representative

[email protected]; @Eboni_RoseDC

Dr. Carlene Reid, Ward 8 Representative

[email protected]; @creidsboe


Mailing Address:

441 4th St NW, Suite 530S

Washington, DC 20001




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